When can I have an appointment?
Appointments are available in the daytime between 9am-6pm. Including Saturdays.
Usually I will be able to offer you an appointment within a week of you contacting me, and I aim to reply to all messages and emails within 24 hours.
How do I start?
I understand that you might be nervous or unsure, You are very welcome to break the ice with an email or message via the contact form, where you can tell me as much or as little as you like about yourself, or simply ask me to call you back. you can ask any questions or raise any concerns you may have, and decide if counselling is for you. We can discuss your needs and plan when to start your counselling if you decide to go ahead.
How many sessions will I need?
The number and frequency of sessions will be up to you. As an individual you will respond to counselling in your own way. You may see benefits after a few sessions or you may need longer. We can agree a number of sessions at outset or leave this open-ended.
Is it confidential?
All counselling is private and confidential, apart from exceptional circumstances where there is any risk of harm to yourself or another person, which I will explain fully at the initial meeting.
Are you easy to find?
I work in a number of locations in the Blackpool area. I will give you the address and full directions before your first session. I also offer walk and talk therapy (following an initial appointment) which may take place in various outdoor locations.
When an appointment is made, this time is reserved exclusively for you. A full 48 hours is required for cancellation. Cancellations less than 48 hours will incur the full cost. This is because 48 hours may allow me to reschedule my diary and cancel a room booking.
Can I access online or telephone counselling?
Yes, I offer telephone or online counselling using secure video calling platforms. These are encrytped and confidential. I have updated my training following the outbreak of Covid-19 and I am insured to offer counselling in this way.